Monday, January 15, 2007

About Us

Martin Benny, one of PNGs top boxers

The concept of saving PNG is to save our culture, biodiversity and people. Today the country is faced with many challenges, loss of cultural identity and beliefs, loss of environment through destructive resource extraction, loss of life through the spread of AIDS and loss of pride as an independent nation due to its dependency on international aid and inequality faced in the workplace due to sexual and racial discrimination. Our culture and biodiversity like a savings account should be saved so that interest can be made on it. PNG is blessed, so rich in every way possible. I believe it is time for people to take a step back and really see what is happening in their country. We are a truly a unique and amazing nation its time that we took an interest and promoted our own people to the world.

The need to save the country means to save our natural resources such resources are being depleted at an alarming rate overseas and we need to take care of ours. We are rich beyond many countries wildest dreams. Bountiful amounts of water, nutrient rich soils, rich endemic flora and fauna, plentiful marine resources and trees that stretch far beyond the horizon. These are all resources that need to be conserved and used thoughtfully, taking into full account what we do today and how it affects the people tomorrow. We are a people that can survive off the land and live subsistence life styles, a method of living that has been lost to many other countries. We are unique in every way possible a land of many contradictions, full of talented people who can help this country to move forward in a positive manner. We are young and rich a country which is small enough to make small ripples felt.

PNG, has tried to move forward by using a method of governance which is not suited to our culture. We have adopted capitalistic thought processes which directly conflict with community orientated backgrounds. We are a culture of the wantok system and the Westminster democratic based government is not a direct representation of how our culture operates. We are a land of clans and tribes. We as a people have come to accept what we are given when we should be working with what we have got. Collectively, the acceptance that our leaders and protectors (police and defence) are corrupt, the acceptance that expatriates should be paid more than Papua New Guineans, the acceptance that our roads are barely there. Our leaders today have been led astray and have forgotten about the people that put them where they are, no longer walking amongst the each other to see the concerns of others. We are an independent nation and have the ability to make our own laws, to make a difference, so let’s wipe a clean slate and start again from scratch. Everybody should have the opportunity of education, to be paid equally in the workplace, to travel if they feel, and be able to fulfill their dreams and aspirations.